Accelerate Impact Playbook to Propel Social Good and Earned Revenue

Discover Opportunity, Build Enterprise, Grow Value, Advance Capacity

Barry J Barresi OD PhD
Accelerate Impact Playbook


Launched in April 2020, The Playbook is a unique learning resource for social enterprise leaders. The core architecture of the Playbook flows from my professional career as an academic clinician, policy researcher, nonprofit CEO, and startup company founder. The Playbook is inspired by my career journey, rooted in four impact innovation disciplines, and supported by diverse contributors.

Enterprise design thinking, business model generation, digital platform strategy, and agile development are four disciplines that sustain the Playbook's process, methods, and tools. Contributing writers from the nonprofit and entrepreneurial world offer their best practices for impact innovation within the framework of the four pillars of accelerating impact venturing: discover opportunity, build enterprise, grow value, and advance capacity.

Every innovation leadership journey requires a different game plan to win. Across the Playbook content pillars and related articles, we offer diverse resources to support your learning journey and develop your personalized leadership game plan.

Pillars of Impact Innovation

Based on our Accelerate Impact Model (AIM), Association Ventures has developed an organizational approach to discover, build, grow and advance social enterprise services, programs, and operating units. AIM's four core social enterprise elements needed to impact mission and revenue are: , Discover Opportunity, Build Enterprise, Grow Value, and Advance Capacity. The Playbook navigation provides direct access to resources for each pillar. Within each pillar are subsections that showcase internal steps to complete social venture development.

Startup social enterprises begin their journey by discovering opportunity, then enterprise building, and lastly, with growing value. Along the way of discovering, building, and growing, AIM calls for advancing organizational capacity at each level.

For an existing social enterprise, the AIM approach begins with discovery, then builds and grows the value of new products and services with ongoing capacity building as needed.

Source: Association Ventures

It's Time to Accelerate Social Impact

Systemic disruption in global social and economic conditions should motivate social purpose organizations to venture outside the comfort zone of traditional revenue sources and envision new value-creation opportunities. The AIM way of thinking about social entrepreneurship will propel your organization's aspirations to create sustainable, transformational change for the greater good.

Use the Playbook diagnosis-informed approach to discover, build, and grow new services, programs, and operating units to propel social good, organizational mission, and sustainable revenue.

Be Inspired by Leaders

Across the Accelerate Impact Playbook content pillars and related articles, we offer diverse resources to support your learning journey and develop your personalized leadership game plan. This interview series draws on our content with personal insights from talented leaders to further guide your learning journey as a social enterprise innovator. Read and reflect on these inspirational leadership stories to mobilize staff and stakeholders with purpose and trust to drive sustainable social impact innovation from your organization’s core.

Learn to Lead

The newest content pillar of the Playbook explores current learning pathways for social enterprise leaders. Inspired by my new academic home at Unversity College, University of Denver, we explore best practices and illuminate innovation models for experiential learning of social enterprise leadership skills. Our goal is to inform the design and delivery of social entrepreneurship education at the University level and within peer-to-peer digital learning platforms.

Association Ventures can support and expedite your innovation journey with workshops, design sprints, discovery audits, and executive coaching.

Workshops: Onsite and virtual training sessions. Targeted to our current innovation readiness level, let’s build staff knowledge and skills with service design, platform business strategies, and agile operations.

Design Sprints: Onsite and virtual team exercises with staff and stakeholders customized to your conditions and goals. Service design collaborations to discover opportunities, prototype solutions & accelerate growth.

Discovery Audit: On-site and virtual engagement with your leadership team. A collaborative process to diagnosis your organizational readiness and find the best pathway to business development success.

Executive Coaching: One to one support to the Executive Director or Business Development senior staff. Assistance with change management and catalytic leadership strategies informed by organizational diagnosis.



Experienced CEO of four social enterprises, founder of Association Ventures consultancy, and teaching faculty in Social Entrepreneurship, University of Denver